Science Teacher

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United States
7th and 8th grade Science Teacher, Robotics coach

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I Did IT!!!

Well, It's finally the end, I can feel relief and relaxation in the air.  Until ow, I hadn't realized how much work I've been doing over the last 8 weeks.  I have been equipped with so many tools that I can utilize in my teaching and personal life.  Although I started out a little bit timid about using technology, I'm happy to report that I am much more confident after this class.  I'm not saying that I'm ready to get in from of the masses and teach them what I know, but I am willing to become more knowledgeable and maybe one day stand in front of the masses.

Thank you Professor Bass; I will be a good steward of what I've learned. 


Sunday, August 14, 2011

Week 7~ So much to Learn...So little time to do it!

Week 7 has actually come and gone; I'm behind on my blogging, and I'm trying to get caught up.  Week 7 focused on internet safety and copyright laws.  There is so much information on the internet that sometimes we think we should be able to utilize whatever we want.  Some information isn't supposed to be copied, and some things we can copy, but are required to give credit to the person or site for allowing its use.

Copyright is what protects those who create materials for the use of others.  Without copyright, anyone can take credit for something they didn't create....benefit from the works of others.  Here is a link to a YouTube video, compliments of MediaEdLab:

Also, as parents and educators, we must be aware that everything on the internet is not child proof and safe.  We must always be aware of what children are doing on the internet, who they are socializing with, and if/what they are purchasing.  The following is a site that talks about internet safety.  It was shared by my professor, and is user friendly by all ages.  There's a wealth of information about texting, profile information, cyber-bullying, chat rooms, and it even has real-life stories in hope that others will not make the same mistakes.

I hope you take the time to read information from the following sites, be safe and make sure you give credit to whom credit is due.
