Science Teacher

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United States
7th and 8th grade Science Teacher, Robotics coach

Sunday, July 31, 2011

~Week 5~ Developing my Professional Skills!

I've gained a great deal of knowledge in the past 5 weeks... a great deal.

How do I expand upon the knowledge that I've gained?  I'll participate in professional development whenever the opportunity presents itself.   Google has a wealth of information and workshops that equip teachers with the necessary tools to promote engagement in lessons and higher level thinking skills among students. 

As an educator, I believe it's my duty to stay current with best practices and to deliver the best education possible to my students. 


Week 4- Halfway There! :-)

This week, I was prompted to look at ways student learning can be enhanced with the use of technology resources , and online tools.

There are two types:  knowledge that is accumulated and stored, and knowledge that is attained in order to accomplish something.  I want my students to do something with the knowledge they attain, and technology can provide the bridge to accomplish this.  If appropriately incorporated, it can engage students and cause them to ask "why".
Webquest can be considered as "knowledge as design" because it helps them take the information they attain to answer the "why".   Webquest are engaging, and promote higher level thinking skills. 

This is just one of the benefits of technology being utilized in the educational setting.


Sunday, July 17, 2011

Week 3, and I'm on a ROLL

Well, I'm still working on becoming competent using web 2.0.  There are so many options available, and now the problem is figuring out which option is best for my students and myself. 

I think what I need to focus on is learning and utilizing one thing at a time.  I'm having so much fun that I want to do everything at one time.  I think it's safe for me to slow down and experiment with my options until I find the one that I think will work the best.

I now understand the importance of evaluating websites to make sure the information is up-to-date and that the information is from a reputable source. 

Stay tuned, more to come next week.


Sunday, July 10, 2011

Week 2~Now I'm really Excited!

Well, this week I've discovered that I have to just get out there and do it.  Being fascinated with technology isn't enough, if I want to be successful at this; I have to meet my fears head on.

So, this week the theme was Moodle.  I've had some previous exposure to Moodle at a conference that I attended a few months ago.  As always, I was excited after the conference and wanted to get started right away.  Now mind you, the Moodle that I was observing was in full swing, and had been so for over a year.  Anyway, I was so excited that I hurried home to my computer and set up my account.  Then..... nothing. This technology thing requires work and a certain degree of creativity, I had hit a plateau as soon as I started.  I wasn't thinking about the work required that allows technology to be so beneficial, I was only thinking of the end product...the Benefits and Fun.

This week, I confronted my fears and took steps to actually begin preparing my Moodle. Now my excitement isn't just about what I Can do, but more about what I AM doing.

I'm Moodling, blogging my reflections, bookmarking via Delicious, and working on the WIKI!


Saturday, July 2, 2011

Week 1 Reflection and Insight

Well, the first week has come and gone, and it has been a whirlwind.  I'm fascinated with technology, but now, more than ever.  I've been exploring some options with technology for the last 7 or 8 month (just exploring some of the tools available), but I had no idea the depth of information, tools, or resources that are available, and many for free.     
I plan on utilizing this course to the fullest extent, and taking the information that I receive back to the class to benefit my students.  I'm sure it will take time, and much trial and effort, but I also believe the end results will be well worth every minute.
I now know there are national standards for implementing technology, and there are guidelines for teachers as well as students.  I will be reviewing those more often to help align my lessons plans accordingly.
 This week's highlight has been creating this blog, and keeping bookmarks in cyberspace via Delicious!!
